Classe adresse ip pdf

Cette classe peut comporter jusqua 282, soit 254 adresses. All the five classes are identified by the first octet of ip. For the ip addresses from class a, the first 8 bits the first decimal number represent the network part, while the remaining 24 bits represent the host part. It is similar to a mailing address, which identifies where postal mail comes from and where it should be delivered. From the above network ip address, the mask will be 255. Class a has 3 octets for the host portion of the address. Les classes a, b et c correspondent a des adresses commerciales et sont attribuees a des hotes.

Classe b les deux premiers octets representent l adresse reseau et les deux derniers octets. Network addressing architecture divides the address space for internet protocol version 4 ipv4 into five address classes. Pour les adresses hote ip qui suivent, indiquez les elements suivants. Motscles reseau logique ip adresse masque passerelle dns dhcp. The ip address is a familiar term for most computer users. For class b, the first 16 bits the first two numbers represent the network part, while the remaining 16 bits represent the host part. In class c, the first 3 octets are the network portion. Understanding tcpip addressing and subnetting basics. Types, features and classes of ip address interserver tips.

Exercice reseau sur les adresses ip et le decoupage en classes. Ip addressing and subnets 21 ip addresses composition, types and classes. Summarizing different classes of ip address with its range and applications. Translation nat et enfin le routage inter domaine sans classe. Cours reseaux adressage ip cours a telecharger en pdf. Petit guide des sousreseaux ip linux documentation project. Pdf 1 cours adressage ip ladressage ip ladresse ip. Figure 1 shows how the network and host ids are different for each class of ip addresses. Fireware configuration example use public ip addresses behind a firebox author. Internet protocol hierarchy contains several classes of ip addresses to be used efficiently in various situations as per the requirement of hosts per network. Each class, coded in the first four bits of the address, defines either a different network size, i.

We are going to subnet it to three different networks with equal host ip addresses. Pdf exercices dadressage ip exercices dadressage ip. An ip address is the unique numerical address of a device in a computer network that uses internet protocol for communication. Broadly, the ipv4 addressing system is divided into five classes of ip addresses. Adressage ip et sousreseautage pour nouveaux utilisateurs. Deployed as is, a class a address represents a very inefficient use of address space, since. Exercice corrige reseau plan dadressage ip tp adressage ip. We can use ip address class a, b, and c for subnetting and supernetting in a computer network.

All the five classes are identified by the first octet of ip address. Les deux premiers bits sont 1 et 0, ce qui signifie quil y a 214 10 000000 00000000 a 10 111111. Pdf cours reseaux adressage ip cours et formation gratuit. Nov 16, 2019 an ip address is a number identifying of a computer or another device on the internet. Ip addresses uniquely identify the source and destination of data transmitted with the internet protocol. Dec 19, 2019 to better understand how ip addresses and subnet masks work, look at an ip internet protocol address and see how it is organized. Fireware configuration example use public ip addresses. Les adresses ip privees et publiques supinfo, ecole. Networks and hosts an ip address is a 32bit number that uniquely identifies a host computer or other device, such as a printer or router on a tcpip network. Vous ecrivez dans votre presentation cest quoi une adresse ip.

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